Thursday, April 5, 2012

Lumpkin Commissioners to Consider Sunday Liquor Sales AGAIN

The people spoke, and obviously the Lumpkin County Commission listened...this time. In a meeting Tuesday, the commissioners agreed to ANOTHER hearing on a vote for Sunday Wine and Beer Sales.

For those of you who haven't been following the Great Sunday Liquor Sales controversy in Lumpkin, in February the County Commissioners voted 3 to 1 AGAINST a referendum to allow Sunday sales of beer and wine. After the commissioners' vote, people across the county were 'riled up', angry that they had been denied the right to vote on this issue. (A 2011 act by the Ga. Legislature allows local voters to decide on Sunday Liquor sales in their communities.)

One of the Commission's No Votes, Commissioner Tim Bowden, argued that if Sunday sales are allowed, Lumpkin would see 'possible and even probable' increase in DUIs and domestic violence incidents.

The lone Commissioner who wants Lumpkin voters to decide on this controversial issue is Commissioner Bill Scott. For his support of a public referendum, Commissioner Scott has been criticized by many in the county. Alternately, many (such as this writer) strongly support Commissioner Scott (who describes himself as a tea-teetotaler) for his belief that 'the people should decide'.

Dahlonega and Beyond will be attending the Tuesday, April 17, Commission meeting when the topic of a Sunday Wine and Beer Sales referendum is discussed again. Maybe this time, more proponents of the vote will be in attendance and those commissioners who voted NAY last time will be more OPEN to discussion. We're hoping the NO will become a YES.

1 comment:

  1. A little pressure from the internet sometimes moves thing along.
