Thursday, December 29, 2011

Which Stall to Use?

Well, Dahlonega and Beyond has been 'off the air' for a while, but we're back...and today we're posing a burning question for women. Here goes: When you go into a bathroom with multiple stalls, which one do you use?

While this is not a subject that comes up often at a dinner table, it's one that gives you food for thought. Is the first one on your right, the one to use? Do you go to the middle, thinking fewer people would use that one, or do you use the last one - again thinking that's the one that is not used as much.

Even if you're not a germ-a-phobe, you've got to be thinking, "Which one is the cleanest? Which one did the little kid not stand on? Which one has the fewest users?"

Next time you go into a multi-stall venue, look at the other women there. Bet they are thinking the same thing...."Should I use the one on the right? Or maybe the handicap one?"

1 comment:

  1. Statistics say the first stall is the cleanest and least used.
